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Friday, September 9, 2022

Private 5G
What is Private 5G?

Private 5g is a hyper-connected economy requires uninterrupted access between disparate systems in the round-the-clock industrial and manufacturing warehouse environment. But established machines remain disconnected from the network, receiving procedures on hand-delivered hard drives.

The hyper-growth of IoT blazed a path for the transformation of industries fulfilling business to business transactions. This growth has led to the development of diverse connectivity methods. Traditionally that has been dominated by wired Ethernet, DAS, or Wi-Fi.

Growing demands of higher throughput, low-latency, secure, and highly reliable communications have brought Private 5G into the picture. 

5G Generation

This is the 5th generation of cellular networks developed by the 3GPP standards group. 5G builds upon the benefits of LTE. By utilizing a licensed spectrum, 5G can deploy on-premises and connect to existing enterprise IT systems. 

This comes with new operational efficiencies. The technology will be cloud-native, capable of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). 5G access to the network will use new radio technologies. Improvements to the management systems will be significant for things like quality of service (QoS). Automation is going to be a critical growth component to enhance existing processes.

What's the big deal if you've already rolled out Wi-Fi infrastructure? Private 5G operates over licensed & unlicensed frequency bands. The barrier to entry for using licensed spectrum equipment is no longer a factor. Previously, IT teams engaged cellular providers, a process challenging in of itself. 


Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), an industrial or manufacturing warehouse can deploy enterprise private 5G to solve some of the most challenging issues today. The enterprise will be able to use CBRS frequencies between 3.55 GHz and 3.7 GHz. 


Improvements with the hardware and software implementation and available licensed frequency allow for mission-critical applications with low latency.

5G is aiming to have industries as its main customers. In a new era of connectivity, enterprises are evolving to address new use cases:

- Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) 

- Automated IoT machines

- Low latency transactions from manufacturing floors

- Remote robots

- Remote operation of vehicles via virtual or augmented reality (VR and AR)

Private 5G will be another access medium deliver an uninterrupted mission-critical network requiring low latency, reliable, and high-speed connectivity.

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